ENDORSEMENT ALERT – Veterans For America First has made a new round of endorsements.

Please visit their websites and congrats to :

Lauren Boebert -CO3- https://boebert.house.gov/ – Lauren is Trump endorsed and one of the best fighters for our freedoms in congress.

Max Miller – OH7- https://www.votemaxmiller.com/ – Max is Trump endorsed , A Marine Reserve who served in the Trump Administration. Max won his primary.

Gerry James- Florida State Senate Candidate FL7 – https://vote4gerry.com/ , Gerry is endorsed by Sarah Palin . Gerry will fight for Florida to become a constitutional carry state and protect our elections.

Candy Massaroni Kentucky State house 50 – https://www.candymassaroni.com/ – Candy won her primary. This is a general election endorsement. Candy is an air force veteran.

Noelle Kahaian- GA State House 117 – https://www.noelleforgeorgia.com/ – This is a Run Off endorsement in the state of GA . Noelle is a teacher that also works for a law firm. The firm has fought in court for children’s and parental rights against far-left ideology . Noelle did work for the True The Vote ballot investigation in Georgia and reported directly to Katherine Engelbrecht. Noelle is an America First conservative facing off against the establishment pick in this run off election.

Rebecca Keltie – CO5 congressional https://rebeccakeltie.com/ Navy Veteran with 21 years of service , a very impressive record including special ops and assignments with federal law enforcement. Rebecca is endorsed by our VFAF partner CPU . * We are endorsing against an incumbent R congressman because that incumbent voted for red flag laws and has a history of ethics violations.

#Trump #DonaldTrumpJr #DonaldTrump #LaurenBoebert #laurenboebertforcongress #veterans #gapolitics #gapol #TeamTrump

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