Veterans For America First announces the following endorsements, Congratulations to:

Markwayne Mullin for Oklahoma Senate – Website https://mullinforamerica.com/meet-markwayne/

Mullin is a sitting member of congress and also endorsed by president Trump link: https://www.msn.com/…/trump-endorses…/ar-AAZq6W3

Jim Marchant for Nevada Secretary of State – Website : https://jimmarchant.com/

Jay Schroeder for Wisconsin Secretary of State – website : https://www.schroederforsecretaryofstate.com/jay

Mary Smith for Tennessee Williamson County Commissioner District 5 https://www.votemarysmith.com/ – Like our Secretary of State Candidates Mary Smith will play an important role at the commissioner level in election integrity.

Wesley Smith for congress MO2 – Website : https://thewolfofwashington.org/

Smith is also endorsed by the America First Pact where our Friend, and Friend to Veterans, Dr Kelli Ward sits as chairwoman https://www.americafirstpact.org/

Wesley Smith is running against an Incumbent republican member of congress so we offer a reason as to why we endorse against Ann Wagner. Wagner supported Vaccine passports and Federal Vaccine databases , Wagners FEC filings show she works with a lobbyist to support school mask mandates . She has the 2nd to worse attendance record in congress at 40% . She served in the Obama admin and is reported to have called her constituents “ farmers and wackos” . She sided with the left on her Jan 6th verbiage and officially withdrew her support of president Trump – Let’s get this RINO the hell out !

Abigail Brentlinger for Ohio Central Committee https://brentlingerforohio.com/abby/

Abby is running for a party position that effects official endorsements. Particularly in Ohio the party went rogue and issued the presidential endorsement to John Kasich , Abby wants to help make sure that the establishment is never allowed to do that again in Ohio.

** Thankyou to Theresa Shen for the graphics , the site can not function without the behind the scenes work and we appreciate Theresa and all our Ambassadors who contribute their time **

Markwayne Mullin#TeamTrump#Trump#veterans#Endorsement#midterms2022


Stan Fitzgerald – VFAF Chief Political Advisor


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