Veterans for America First Ambassadors are conducting conservative outreach throughout the country. In Georgia VFAF Ambassador Angel Rosario works with The Paul Revere Project , the group gets more people in attendance to hear their speakers than most GOP meetings. THE PAUL REVERE PROJECT – The Paul Revere Project is one of the fastest growing most influential grass roots groups in Georgia. With over 400 members acting as community influencers throughout the state they strive to be the alternative to the establishment. Soon they will be working to take back the GOP from the establishment by getting their own leaders in position but for now they are riding like Paul Revere to warn of the RINO’s and Establishment types trying to fake their way into office. They only invite true grassroots conservatives to speak at their meetings. At Veterans for America First we strive to reach the communities through outreach and charitable efforts to help forward an America First Policy Agenda while offering assistance to our Veterans and First Responders throughout the nation.


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