Congrats to Whitney Pimentel . Veterans for America First has endorsed Pimentel for State House In the Georgia run off election occuring on June 21st. Whitney is the non-establishment candidate who will fight for Georgia . Please Visit : https://whitneyforgeorgia.com/

Whitney has been endorsed by both state reps who previously covered her district and Governor Mike Huckabee. “Whitney Pimentel will be an outstanding legislator for the state of Georgia. She’s a true champion, just like the Bulldogs! I’ve known her and her entire family for over 35 years. Wonderful, God-fearing, patriotic, community-minded people who understood the importance of quality education, personal discipline, character, and humility. I’m so proud of her for running and confident she will be a thoughtful, focused, and unselfish legislator who knows that she works for the people—not the other way around. I enthusiastically endorse her and hope the voters will come to know her. If so, they will vote for her!” — Gov Mike Huckabee

Team TrumpStan FitzgeraldMike Huckabee Whitney Pimentel #veterans#gapolitics#gapol#Trump#TeamTrump#Trump2024#TrumpWon

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